I would like to extend a special thanks to many key employees at Sure Flow with my pending retirement. Words cannot express how they have contributed to the success of Sure Flow Equipment Inc.
For over 25 years John Hamilton has managed the Screen Department. This chap is a magician. Cone strainers, basket strainers, he can make it. Top gun; he’s the best in the industry. John is a great employee and a great friend.
If we are faced with a challenge he always says, “we will get it done,” and he works on it until it’s 200% perfect; great quality.
Here’s John (center) with Sean Taylor (left) and Jessica Wordsworth (right) with “Sure Biscuit”, the horse he helped create and fabricate from excess and scrap strainer material. https://www.sureflowequipment.com/sure-biscuit-wonder-horse-another-industrial-work-art/

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