Whiskey – King of Raymar Place
Cats naturally act like animal royalty, but the stray cat that lives with/visits us, truly deserves the title. Even though he is well fed and kept warm at our house, he still likes to roam our neighbourhood, going house-to-house to find out who is currently offering the best culinary selections.
Whiskey is truly a trouper though. So often when I walk the dogs, even in the winter when there’s snow, he walks right along with us. When you think of the length of my legs, or Acer’s legs, versus a cat, this is a significant accomplishment. While I’d like to think it’s because he relishes our company, Whiskey is a cat. He clearly feels he is lord and master of our neighbourhood, and is merely using the protection provided by canine and human companionship to survey his kingdom and make sure his subjects are behaving appropriately. Cats!