Crossing the Atlantic – by Ship

Crossing the Atlantic – by Ship

We live in the days of the “Slow Food Movement”, where life moves so quickly we actually have to come up with terms to describe what life used to be like. I immigrated to Canada from England when I was 11. The year was 1963 and while the Beatles were about to invade...
From Summer back to Spring

From Summer back to Spring

We were just down at our place in Florida and the weather was lovely. Now we’re back in Canada where we’re getting some sun, but none of the warmth you get in the south. But it’s getting warmer every day and for that I’m grateful. Here’s...
The View Out My Front Door

The View Out My Front Door

What’s kind of amazing about a place like North America is the variation in climate. In March while the northern U.S. states, and much of Canada are still locked in a cold winter, you have this wonderful peninsula of land, called Florida, which can be quite warm and...