Jack Desmond Wordsworth (1923 – 2010)

My father, Jack Desmond Wordsworth, was born in Woolidge, Kent on September 2, 1923. Jack was a Pilot/Bomber in the Royal Air Force. His nickname was “Blackhorse”. He lost his best friend, “David” in a mission over Europe. Jack piloted Lancaster Bombers.
Jack was also the President/C.E.O. of a major United States manufacturing company. Jack and I were best friends. We did everything together. We sailed together for almost 4 decades. We had “footitis”. Our first boat was a Shark Sail Number 1093. In total we had seven different sailboats. The last one was “Rufus”, a CS 34.
Jack was my mentor! I miss him deeply. He was blessed to have passed in his sleep at the age of 87. Jack’s relationship with his father, Sydney Leonard Wordsworth, was the same as his and mine. Every Saturday in England they would enjoy soccer (football) and beer at Woolidge Arsenal. He lost his brother Douglas in the Second World War. Douglas went to Europe never to return. I, along with many others, are blessed that we never saw a war. Jack met my mother, Joyce, at a dance in England.

Here’s my Dad, Jack Wordsworth, on the right, with several of his flying buddies in World War II. I’m assuming they were part of the his crew on the Lancaster bomber on which he flew. Surprisingly this is one of the earliest photos I can find of my Dad.

Here’s Dad with a group of the flight crews from his RAF Unit in 1942.

Here’s Dad with some friends, with his mom in the middle of the photo.

Here’s Dad (at right) with some buddies from the RAF.

Here’s Dad and Mom after the war in Broadstairs. They both seem to be pretty happy, which is not surprising after surviving the horrors of World War II in London.

Here’s Mom and Dad’s wedding photo which didn’t happen too long after they’d met.

Here’s Dad with Hazel and the statue of Winnie the Pooh in London.

Here’s Dad and Hazel on the beach in Broadstairs in 1950.

Here’s Mom and Dad and Hazel and me near Niagara Falls once we’d emmigrated to Canada.

Here’s another family photo, this time with one of Hazel’s friends.

Here’s Mom and Dad at Niagara Falls with Mom’s friend June Gregory.

Here’s Dad with his 1972 Chevy Nova.

Here’s Dad and me on a trip to England.

Here’s Dad and Jess when she was about 5.

Here’s Dad in one of his happiest places… his sailboat.

Here’s Dad and me, leaving on or getting back from a trip.

Here’s Dad in a contemplative mood later in life.

Here’s Dad on the couch at a family get-together.